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Where do your commuters come from?
How long do they spend in traffic?
Will your suppliers make it on time?

When will the traffic light switch to green?
Should I accelerate to make the current green phase?
How fast should I drive to minimize breaking?

Why is there so much traffic on A5?
What is their source and destination?
How many cars drive from Basel to Cologne?

Where do people park in my city?
Which roads see the most parking pressure?
Where to install E-Car charging stations?

How many cars drive Monday morning in Lower Saxony?
What is the fastest route from Berlin to Schwerin?
How far do I get in 30 minutes from Bad Hersfeld?

How can traffic in my city become more fluent?
How to predict traffic light switch times to motorists?
How to integrate a traffic management system?

Where are traffic jams during the morning commute?
How fast do motorists drive on B6 on a Friday evening?
How many vehicles pass Südschnellweg at the weekend?

"Making the right decisions depends on having the right questions answered on time. Handling more than 300 million data-points every day, our industry-proven Apache Hadoop stack stands ready to answer yours!"


Fast data is fast, big data is big - we integrate it all to answer the questions most valuable to your business or community!
Real-time streams ingested with Apache NiFi, Kafka or a custom solution via UrbanPulse? Terabytes of data in S3 or WASBs? No idea yet what all of this means and how to setup your data pipelines? We can support you.
Actionable, data-driven insights, delivered when you need them!
Large scale batch processing with terabytes of data or real-time streams from IoT sensors, refined into comprehensible graphics and diagrams. We cristallize your raw data and streams into the answers you need to substantiate your decisions.
We integrate with your processes and provision refined data at the endpoints most convenient to you!
Custom protocols on websockets, load-balanced for your customers, big-data site2site protocols or interfaces for your business intelligence tools. You want hassle-free insights and integration, so do we.

Floating Car Data

With more than 10 billion data-points every month, an update rate as fast as 5 seconds per vehicle and multiple terabytes of historical data, we feature one of the largest real-time corpus of floating car data in Germany. Put this data to use to answer the questions most valuable to your company or city.

Data Exports

If you need raw data for a research project or to analyze traffic patterns in your city or your plant's vicinity yourself, we can make it available. With a real-time factor of more than 4.000, we can export arbitrary geo-referenced bounding boxes of floating car data from our corpus.

Map Matching

We can optionally run the data through an HMM-based map matcher to find the most probable routes of the vehicles on the road network. This allows us to augment the data with various additional attributes like the number of lanes or the permissible maximum speed.


We developed a metric to identify parking within the FCD trajectories. This information helps to identify the popularity of parking spots, their fluctuation and the overall parking pressure for individual streets. Not sure where to install that charging infrastructure? We can give you a hint!

Traffic Analysis

We can help to identify hot-spots for traffic jams in your city or assess the average speed in a given street on a given weekday. Want to know the average traffic density in a quarter? We will develop the data-based metrics most suitable for your questions.

Destination Source

Where do all the motorists on this streets come from and where do they go? How many motorists travel from A to B on a weekday's morning. Would it make sense to change the public-transport schedule? We will help you to answer that.

Travel Times

How far do I get on A7 starting in Bad Hersfeld and travelling east? What is the fastest route between Darmstadt and Frankfurt on a Thursday evening at 4pm? All the answers but a query away.

Traffic Light Predictions

Minimizing breaking and acceleration of vehicles at junctions has a tremendous potential to reduce the emmission of pollutants and increase mileage. This can be an important step for cities to reduce traffic-related air pollution and improve the flow of traffic. With interfaces to all major traffic-management systems, our solutions are prepared to aid the motorists in your city to achieve a more sustainable driving behavior and safe money at the gas-pump at the same time.

Ready to Integrate

Connectors for real-time interfaces to all major traffic-management systems gather the current state of signal groups in your city and stream it into the cloud, where state-of-the-art machine learning models are waiting for your traffic data to predict the corridor of signal switch times with astonishing accuracy and precision.

Intuitive Interfaces

While we are waiting for the automobile OEMs to catch up, you can equip your own fleet or institutionalized drivers like taxi operators, nursing services or delivery services with custom, in-vehicle interfaces to reduce operating costs, improve air-quality and traffic flow.


We already provide interfaces for traffic light assistance in a number of cities with thousands of signal groups being predicted simultaneously. Equip your municipal vehicle fleet with the foresight to reduce costs and emissions or provide the service to your motorists via OEMs or custom mobile applications.

Data Analytics

With a wealth of real-time data connections into urban infrastructure and the potential for ever more integrations, we analyze your fast-data streams and big-data batches. From establishing the relevant metrics and features over classification of patterns to regression analysis for probable future developments, our stack provides a wealth of opportunities to better understand your city or company.


What is the running average of energy consumption of the adaptive lamp-posts in a given quarter, what was their peak consumption last night? How often was a specific induction loop triggered and what can we assume about traffic density? We will work with you to identify the metrics that help you make substantiated decisions.


Is this one of the traffic patterns that usually leads to a cascading effect, causing back-queues right up to the prior junction? With state-of-the-art machine-learning tools integrated into our pipelines, we can leverage the intellectual investement of tens of thousands of developers to solve your problems.

Regression Analysis

Incredible advancements with regard to the quality, applicability and availability of machine-learning algorithms and tools were made in the last years. PyTorch, scikit-learn, TensorFlow .. all but a git clone away. Put science to work to get the answers valuable to your city, your business.

Would you like to know more about Analytics?

Dr.-Ing. Stefan Radomski
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